Thursday, March 31, 2022

Production Company Name!

Production Company Name! 

My partner (Isa) and I have decided on our production company name! We wanted to have a creative name but also wanted to have one that would be personal and represent our project and group members. We were thinking of doing something with our names. Some of our options are listed below...





We have decided to go with NovaStaab because we like the way it sounds. It sounds somewhat official: A NovaStaab Production. The film opening will start with a black screen and then we will use a 24ft Billy Ohio font to display our company name. We will likely use the same font to display the production name LOVE SHACK (in all caps) but we have spoken about making it more stiff, so who knows.

How to Start a Production Company | Wrapbook
Okay well that’s it for today! Write to you next time :)

- sabri

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